'Skip is Default' can be toggled on or off. When it is on, the Skip button is the default button in the Floppy Scan dialog box. 'Scan is Default' can be toggled on or off. When it is on, the Scan button is the default button in the Floppy Scan dialog box. 'TeachText' saves the audit trail file with that creator. The creator tells the Macintosh which application a file belongs to. 'Microsoft Word' saves the audit trail file with that creator. The creator tells the Macintosh to which application a file belongs. 'MacWrite' saves the audit trail file with that creator. The creator tells the Macintosh to which application a file belongs. 'Clear Audit Trail File' erases all the entries in the audit trail. 'Set Audit Trail File' lets you specify where and under what file name the audit trail file is stored. 'All SAM Alerts' causes SAM Intercept to record every SAM Intercept alert in the audit trail. 'Viruses Only' causes SAM Intercept to log only those alerts which appear when a virus is detected. 'None' causes SAM Intercept not to maintain an audit trail of the SAM Intercept alerts or your responses. Choose the sound that SAM Intercept plays when it detects a virus. 'System Beep' is the standard system beep. 'Edit Hot Keys' displays the Edit Hot Keys dialog box. You can view, delete, or clear all the hot keys you defined at For Prompt, For Folder, For Volume, and For Removables. 'For Removables' displays the For Removables dialog box. Use this dialog box to define a hot key and select the removable drive that is scanned when you press that hot key. 'For Volume' displays the For Volume dialog box. Use this dialog box to define a hot key and select a mounted, local volume that is scanned when you press that hot key. 'For Folder' displays the For Folder dialog box. Use this dialog box to define a hot key and select the folder that is scanned when you press that hot key. 'For Prompt' displays the For Prompt dialog box. Use this dialog box to define a hot key that lets you select a file or folder and scan it while working in an application. 'Treat Removables as Floppies' turns on or off how SAM Intercept treats removable media. If this option is off, SAM Intercept ignores removables when they are inserted; otherwise, they are treated like floppy disks. 'No Scans in Virus Clinic' turns on or off SAM Intercept scanning in Virus Clinic. If this option is on and SAM Virus Clinic is running, SAM Intercept will not scan a floppy disk. 'Disallow All Inserts' can be toggled on and off. When this option is on, SAM Intercept ejects any floppy disk which is inserted. Via Prompt lets you decide whether to scan a floppy disk. When you insert a floppy disk, SAM Intercept asks if you want to scan the disk or skip the scan. Always makes SAM Intercept scan each floppy disk that is inserted. 'On Shift Up' lets you scan a floppy disk by not holding down the Shift key when you insert the disk. 'On Shift Down' lets you scan a floppy disk by holding down the Shift key when you insert the disk. 'Never' stops SAM Intercept from scanning a floppy disk when it is inserted. 'All Local Volumes' scans all local volumes, excluding AppleTalk volumes, at shutdown. 'System Volume' scans all the files on the System Volume at shutdown. 'System Folder' scans the files in the active System Folder at shutdown. 'None' does not scan any files at shutdown (when you turn off your Macintosh). 'System Volume' scans all files on the system disk during startup. 'System Folder' scans the System Folder during startup. 'None' scans no files during system startup. 'Custom' provides the virus protection of Basic and lets you select from any of the 14 protection categories. 'Advanced' provides the virus protection of Standard Protection plus these protection categories: add or change startup resource, move startup document, create application, bypass resource handler or file system, and modify or add 'special' file. 'Standard' provides the virus checking of Basic Protection plus these protection categories: add or change code resources, add startup document, bypass or modify SAM Intercept, or format without dialog. 'Basic' alerts you when an application or startup document infected with a known virus is started. 'None' turns off SAM Intercept's protection so that SAM no longer monitors the system for virus-like activity. Choose 'Control Key'. Then, hold the Control key down at startup to prevent the SAM Intercept INIT from loading into memory. Choose 'Command Key'. Then, hold the Command key down at startup to prevent the SAM Intercept INIT from loading into memory. Choose 'Option Key'. Then, hold the Option key down at startup to prevent the SAM Intercept INIT from loading into memory. Choose 'Shift Key'. Then, hold Shift down at startup to prevent the SAM Intercept INIT from loading into memory. Choose 'Caps Lock'. Then, hold it down at startup to prevent the SAM Intercept INIT from loading into memory. Choose 'None' if you don't want to use a Startup Bypass Key. 'Always Show' causes the SAM Intercept icon to appear at every system startup. 'Show Only On Error' displays the SAM Intercept icon if SAM Intercept INIT didn't load due to an error or if you held the Startup Bypass Key during startup. 'Never Show' causes the SAM Intercept startup icon to never be displayed on the startup screen whether or not SAM Intercept loads into memory.